Our Courses

Our Courses

Embarking on a journey of discovery, participants will engage in a thoughtfully curated program , designed to cultivate proficiency in Financial Literacy, Career Readiness, Rydell Support (mental health, peer to peer, self care, etc.), and Information Technology,

Financial Literacy

Many young mothers face substantial financial struggles, such as underemployment and lack of access to financial resources. Teaching financial literacy will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions for themselves and their families. Our financial literacy curriculum covers essential areas of personal finance, money management, and wealth-building.

Career Readiness

Moms2tech Inc. believes in the transformative power of education, which is the key to success. In preparing young mothers for employment, soft skills will be a primary focus. Soft skills are a combination of personality traits, social attitudes, and behaviors that will allow people to communicate effectively, collaborate, and manage conflicts. Career development is a central component to this program. It promotes Moms2tech Inc.’s core value that professional development is essential for future leaders; a fundamental responsibility that also supports independent living and healthy productive lifestyles. 

Rydell Support

Self-care is important for everyone as it helps to maintain our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.  Likewise, mindfulness and meditation has been proven as an effective way of addressing various issues, including mental health concerns and personal growth. Furthermore, holistic health and wellness is vital in of maintaining a balance between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. This curriculum is designed to enable individuals to provide support to their peers in a safe, non-judgmental, and empathetic manner, focus on developing healthy habits and practices in self-care, and offer a comprehensive approach to promoting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Computers, and why they are important to young mothers!

When young mothers lack access to a technical education, it becomes an indisputable obstacle thwarting their ability to secure lucrative positions, leading to a persistent reliance on government assistance, ultimately, establishing an endless cycle of poverty extending to future generations. In addition, gender wage gaps and restrictions on career advancement beyond, low-salary jobs place these mothers in even greater financial peril, resulting in potential emotional trauma and a lack of stability. 

Digital Citizenship:

As technology advances, computer literacy has become an integral part of digital citizenship. Teaching young mothers computer fundamentals with a focus on online etiquette and cybersecurity can empower them to stay safe online, avoid online predators, and become responsible digital citizens.


By learning computer fundamentals, young mothers can gain a sense of empowerment and control over their lives. They can learn to navigate the internet, use social media to connect with others, and gain access to information that can help them make informed decisions.

Access to better job opportunities:

In today's society, computer skills are necessary for almost all jobs. By teaching computer fundamentals, marginalized young mothers can acquire the skills needed to access a wider range of job opportunities, which can help them support their families and improve their financial situation.

Breaking down barriers:

 By teaching computer fundamentals, we can break down barriers for young, marginalized mothers. Computer literacy can help them gain confidence, make new connections, and feel more included in society, which can ultimately help to reduce the harm that comes to those who are marginalized.

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